Monday, October 1, 2007

Nothing To Do....

Its the start of another set of days off from work. Although this entry was stampped date as Monday, I'm talking about Sunday as I wrote this past midnight already.
I practically have done nothing today. In the morning, I went online to check my emails, go chatting for awhile with my friend from Vietnam. I met him online through Yahoo chat and we've been in touch with each other for a week now. He seems nice although at times he's not open to me and only replied to me in single words like yes, no, thanks & ok.....and I find it rude. Maybe because of the language barrier, he can't express himself much through English. His command of English though is good considering he's a Vietnamese or maybe he got to learn the language because he is working in the tourism industry. This morning while we were chatting, he told me that he's busy learning the English language by self-study.
After getting online, I went to bed and slept to dreamland through 7:00PM. By the way, I got a call this morning from my best friend who's currently in Hawaii visiting his folks there. I can't wait to see him again when he's back from his short vacation.
I woke up around 7:00pm and ate my first meal of the day with my parents. Afterwards, I watched 2 movies on HBO and then went back to my room and wrote this entry for the day.
Nothing much happened today, though but I'm glad I got to relax and have a short break from work.
Tomorrow I will go back to the gym and continue my never ending quest for physical perfection.

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