Saturday, May 30, 2009

Receiving Some Gifts

Unexpectedly, a daughter of my former high school classmate and cousin is here in town. She was with her girl friends all of them nurses from Canada. This cousin immigrated to Canada way before (I can't really remember when exactly) together with his family and worked with an airline company. Some 30 years after our high school graduation, gosh we're that old already; we still keep in touch with each other and with some of our classmates. We set up an eGroup under and this served as our venue to update each other, share some thoughts and ideas or just plainly communicating with each other. This cousin of mine have invited me to visit Vancouver, Canada where he and the family are based, but I kept on postponing the idea. I think he wanted to put some pressure on me to go through the plan, that he sent some gifts to me through his daughter. I met for the first time his daughter and after a quick lunch in a Chinese noodle house, she gave me the gifts from her dad. I was quite embarrassed since I did not have anything to give back to my cousin since it was such a short notice. I got a white t-shirt with Team Canada Hockey logo on it and a bottle of maple syrup in which Canada is famous for. Even how simple these gifts are, the thoughtfulness and the gesture count the most and I appreciate it so much. I am planning to send something to him to return the kind gesture or better yet, I just go to Vancouver and surprise him but of course bring something from Las Vegas as a gift.


Mac Callister said...

hahaha u need to go visit him na daw,you are lucky he didnt send in his assasins and kidnapped you LOL!

Chronicler said...

hahaah oo nga mac...sigi lang babawi ako...I'll bring some strippers for him...yung dolls ba