Saturday, May 23, 2009

Thank You Dennis…

This is an overdue acknowledgement for my kind blogger friend Dennis of "Ako Si Dencio" and "The Absurb Mind". He passed on to me the "Interesting Blog" and "I Love Your Blog" tags. Because of my busy schedules at work, I did not thank him on time formally in my own blog but I did left a thank you note on his blog.

To follow Dennis' examples, I would like to grant these tags/awards to my blogger friends who in one way or another inspired me to continue this work called blogging. I'm humbled that these friends spent some time to visit, read and leave comments on my blog entries. To my friends, this is for you. You might have been tagged by Dennis or by other friends in the blogging community but nevertheless I still want to tag you as a sign of my gratitude and appreciation.

I would like to pass on these tag awards to Goddy, Ron, RhonB, Kablogie, Sherwin, Mac, Ande, Reyane & Hari ng Sablay. These bloggers and including Dennis, of course, have been leaving comments and messages on my postings. Thank you guys.


Dil said...

Your welcome my friend... =)

Keep blogging ... =)

EngrMoks said...

thanks man for giving me not just 1 but 2 tag awards...salamat ng marami...

Mac Callister said...

wow another award for me!thank you very much for this i really appreciate it! god bless!

RhonB895 said...

hey thanks so much joel! Really appreciate it :)

Goddy: An Unbreakable Spirit said...

Wow! What a pleasant surprise! Honestly, your post deeply moved me. Thanks, friend!