Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Best Way To Start The New Year

Before anything else, I would like to apologize that I'm a little bit slow on updates for The Daily Grind. There were a lot of things happening towards the end of 2007. First and foremost is my laptop computer. It was running wierd and I guess it caught some virus. Although I ran the anti-virus programs to clean it up, I decided to have it checked professionally. I dropped it off at Geek Squad located at Best Buy stores and I guess I have to wait for 10 days from Dec 29, the day I dropped it off, for them to complete the task. I asked the techicians or I would say the geeks to backup all my files, I mean all of them even if it seems not important. They may delete some programs that I had installed on top of the preinstalled programs when I bought my computer. Although I've been using my old and cranky desktop, its kind of slow and it could consume my patience to the limit. Nevertheless, I still used my desktop to update this blog now. Aside from my computer's problems, I really dont have that much happenings to talk about.

I started back to work last Jan 2 and what a great way to start the new year than work, work and more work. When I reported for work on that evening, the Robot-Rx that I've been working on had some problems on its envelope system. The envelope system is actually responsible to hold and store medications in an indiviual envelope assigned to each admitted patient in the hospital. This is the final step in the cart-fill process. I will explain more about the process on my next blog update, but for now just bear with me. Fortunately that night I was able to finish the cart-fill using the Robot-Rx with sporadic downtime of the EDS or envelope delivery system throught my shift. In the morning of Jan 3, the system itself bogged down. I contacted our field technician from Pheonix, AZ and asked him to come over to fix the problem. If this will not be resolved we will have to resort to manually pick all medications for each patient and we're talking about 2000+ doses of medicines, and indeed we had manual cart-fill that night. Fortunately the EDS was fixed by the morning of Jan 4 after shipping in a new motor that controls the conveyor belt. I stayed at work very late that morning to ensure that the inventory are maintained before the Robot starts full operations. This is also another reason why I wasnt able to update this blog for the past three days.

Right now, I'm waiting for the word from Geek Squad as to when I could pick up my laptop. Also since tonight will be my last night of work for the week, I can give a sigh of relief and will try to enjoy my short break of three days off.

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